Sunday, October 14, 2012

Cooper, you are 1 month old!!!

So.. my son, my love, you turned 1 month old yesterday,  and boy have  you have really changed a lot since your daddy and I took you home! You are now almost 12 lbs, and such a beautiful, smart, thriving little boy, Cooper!

During the days we have been attached at the hip (literally), and you are either nursing (which you love, love, love to do! But I do too;), sleeping in your Baby Bjorn Bouncer or Swing, looking at your surroundings, being changed (12x/day sometimes) , being licked by your furry sisters (who love you so much; Especially Gemma!),  going for a walk outside with you in your sling, or enjoying tummy time for all of 2 minutes.

When your Daddy comes home he pretends he is excited to see me, but in all honesty, he only wants to see his little boy.  He is completely smitten by you, and loves to see you happy and not crying.  A few days ago, you started to cry around 5pm and would not stop for an hour or so.  We tried everything to get you to stop.  It was tough Coop, but finally we were able to soothe you back into the perfect little angel you are.  You won't take a pacifier, only my boobies, and you are just starting to take a bottle.  I think you get fussy when you are over tired, over stimulated, or have some gas.  I researched some ways to relieve the gas though, and it is definitely working (a tsp of chamomile tea in a bottle)...   I also like to use aromatherapy in the apartment for all of us.  I burn lavender oil and it really helps us all to relax and to get you to sleep.
You should know that your mom is amazing at researching just about EVERYTHING.
I will always make sure that you are comfortable, my little lover. No doubt about that.

Well,  I just wanted to tell you that you are growing so much and changing a little bit more every single day, and I can't wait to see what the next month brings.... I know it will bring amazing things because you are simply that Cooper, amazing.

We love you. xx

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