Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Only 2 months old and such a big boy!

Hello little Coopie,

We just celebrated the fact you turned 2 months old, and boyyyy are you a changin!  Everyday you seem to wake up (in bed with me, your dad, and 2 sisters) with a cute little smile, and your favorite word so far,  "Oooohhhhhhhhh"...
We love to hear you talk in any way shape or form, so of course we think its the cutest thing in the world. Each and every time you say it. 

Your dad was away last weekend, at Ashley and Rob's wedding in Boca,Florida.   We couldn't go because you still haven't received your 2 month shots yet, so instead, your Grammy"D' and Poppy came to DC to stay with us for the weekend.   They just ate you up alive Coop! You were such a good boy all weekend. You laughed, slept, bounced, smiled, cooed, and didn't cry that much at all. Even at night when you get a little fussy.  I was so proud;)  Your grandparents think you are positively the most perfect and beautiful creature on this planet, and I don't blame them!  Poppy held you on his chest in the morning and you fell asleep for a good hour or so. He was in heaven.  I just kept watching him look and you and kiss you.  You smiled at him a lot, and really had your eye transfixed on his. I think you really know that they are your family.

The weekend before that one, your other grandma was here...Grams.  We had the best time.  She was here for an entire week, and for that whole week she spent every minute with you.  Since she is Master Burper, we made sure you were always put into her arms after every feeding so she could get all your burps out.  I mean, that's pretty special,huh?  She adores you to the moon!  We all can't get enough of you, man.  I am still sending pictures and videos every single day to your family, and when they don't get one from me, they make a big deal about it, hahaa. Its very cute.   You are their first grandson, and the best one ever!

Yesterday,  I took you to get your 2 month shots.  They weighed you,  and to be honest, I was pretty surprised when they said you weighed 16lbs!!! hahaah.  I mean I knew you were getting chunky kiddo, but 16 lbs?  No wonder my back is killing me. I love it though.  All your little rolls, chubby cheeks, and those thighs!  My goodness,  what would I do without them?!? 
Your dad and I realize  how lucky we are to have such a thriving, beautiful, and smart boy as our own.  I know that when you are older I will wish you still have these cheeks and chubby arms to grab, so I am taking it all in now. No doubt about that.

A week from today we are flying to Michigan for Thanksgiving! We will be there for a good 10 days too.  You will love it Coop, and I promise you that you will always love going to Michigan.  Your daddy has an unbelievable community of friends and family there that already love you tons!  You will love being with your entire family who will be doting on you every step of the way.  Your grandparents house is just so beautiful and cozy, and you will just love it. Trust me.

Well, I have been writing for a while now, and you are about to wake up from your nap from me bouncing you on your bouncer.  I must go...I love you though.